AZ Hustlers: Karie Johnson


Karie Johnson is the owner of Barre3 Scottsdale PV. We’ve been fortunate to have worked with Barre3 in the past and they are always so supportive of our efforts to help families around the valley. Get to know a little bit about Karie!

Name: Karie Johnson

Instagram Handle: @barre3scottsdalepv

Title/Profession: Owner of Barre3 Scottsdale PV

What city do you live in!
Paradise Valley

How do you know PFF?
Through the amazing founder, Meghan!

What makes PFF special?
They continually give back to families in need and make a huge impact!

What is something on your bucket list?
To go to the Amalfi Coast.


What was your first job?
Life guard

What/who inspires you?
Mother Teresa

Coffee or tea?

Sunrise or sunset?

What is a motto you live by?
You can do hard things.

What does a normal day look like for you?
Early morning routine of meditation, bible study, prayers and journaling before my kiddos wake up, get the kiddos off to school, work on or at barre3, always dinner with the family, relaxing evening at home.

What is one thing you can not live without?

One thing you think every one needs to try?
Barre3! Some people are intimidated by the barre or that it is either too hard or not hard enough. It is honestly just right because you make it your own! It is so empowering and really helps to balance the body from the inside out!